Thursday 19 February 2015

hinged folding frame

welcome back!!!

this is a cool photo frame for two attached photos.

-2 identical flat-faced frames
-8 hinges (size will depend on size of frame)
-acrylic paint:dark brown and rust
-acrylic crackle medium
-matte acrylic varnish
-wash paintbrush

note:   allow each coat of paint/medium to dry throughout before you apply the next one.

1. paint frames dark brown and let them dry follow the manufacturers guidelines to apply the crackle medium, then apply the rust coloured paint. finish with a coat of acrylic varnish.

2. attach a hinge to outer corners of each frame then join the frames together with four hinges in the center.

have fun and talk to you later.

weathered hardware frame

hey people!

hey guys this is a little diy i thought would be cute for a father or a brother or a grandfather because its very hardwarey... ok here it is:)

-flat-faced wooden picture frame
-upholstery tacks
-1/2" or 1.3cm nails
-acrylic paint: dark brown and rust
-acrylic crackle medium
-matte acrylic varnish
-wash paintbrush

note: Allow each coat of paint/medium to dry thoroughly before applying the next one. The quantity of tacks/nails will vary according to size of frame.

1. paint the frame with rust-coloured paint. follow manufacturers guidelines to apply crackle medium, then dark brown paint. finish with coat of acrylic varnish.

2. hammer same number of upholstery tacks to each frame corner on a diagonal. hammer nails to border and inside edge of frame, approximately 1/4" or 6mm apart. 

have fun doing this talk to you soon:)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

flower pot photos

hi again its me and today i'm going to do a diy post on a diy called flower pot photos. its a really fun craft and i think some if not most of you will like it:)

the materials you will need are:
-approximately 3"/7.5cm diameter clay pot with tray
-acrylic paint: yellow, brown and green
-fake flowers (i used sun flowers) (as many as you need to hold all of your photos)
-spanish moss
-1yd/.95m gold cord
-glue, all-purpose glue gun and glue sticks
-styrofoam (enough to fit inside the pot)
-photos and lightweight cardboard
-round paint brush
-new pencil eraser (clean)

1. paint the cardboard brown if it isn't already. cut 1 3/4"/4.5cm circles from the cardboard. if the photos are the right size as is, use them, if not make colour copies and cut out the faces, center them on the cardboard and glue them in place. glue the gold chord around each photo circle, then glue the circles onto the flowers middle

2. (change this step to match your flower) dip the pencil eraser into brown paint and stamp flower centers around the border of the pot,leave some space around them for pedals. let that dry and then clean the eraser. then stamp yellow pedals around the middles. before you let that dry take a toothpick and "pull" the paint so that the tip of the pedal is pointed, then paint green leafs on the unused space o the brim with your paint brush. let it dry.

3. glue the gold cord around the bottom of the brim of the pot.

4. glue the pot to the center of the plate, then glue the Styrofoam into the pot, trim the stems of the fake flowers to the desired length then insert them into the styrofoam, then glue the spanish moss on all the exposed areas of styrofoam.


have fun making this and I'll talk to you soon:)

Sunday 15 February 2015

new additions

Hey my fabulous people I just wanted to inform you that I have added a couple things to my blog!

I added some cute little fish that swim and I think they fallow your computer mouse, also I added an inspirational quote of the day, I think it changes but if it doesn't... oops:)

sorry this was really short.


my first post and first DIY:)

Hey guys this is my new blog for DIYS! From my awesome brain to your awesome brain;)

The first DIY I'm going to do you have probably herd of, its called a bored jar. The just of it is a mason jar with popsicle sticks or paper with a whole bunch of awesome stuff to do when your bored on them!

 Lets get started:) 

The materials you will need are:
-one mason jar
-paper or popsicle sticks
-a marker/sharpie
-scrapbooking paper

First you should wash your mason jar REALLY well to make sure its clean, then set that aside for later:)

Go on google or pinterest and search up:
-what to do when bored
-list of stuff to do when bored 
-bucket lists for whatever season you are in
If you're doing he last one just remember to switch out the contents of the jar when the seasons change so that you don't pick out "make a snow angle" in the middle of July.

When you've done that make a word document and print it out or hand write them on to the paper/ popsicle sticks.

Then decorate your mason jar:)
I bet some of you are wondering why I said scrapbooking paper? well I find one cute easy little way to decorate your mason/bored jar is:

Take off the lid of your mason jar. The lid should have two pieces, a part that looks like a ring and one that looks like a disk, take the disk one and put the ring one close by. trace the disk on the scrapbooking paper and cut it out. on the little circle of paper write bored jar or I'm bored jar and then place the paper circle on top of the disk and put the ring on top and screw the lid back on and vola! There is your bored jar:) (somewhere in that process you should have put the papers/popsicle sticks in the jar) 

One little thing, if you were doing popsicle sticks the lid might not be able to go back on because the popsicle sticks are most likely to long so just put the lid somewhere safe in case you want to use the jar for something else later.

 Ok bye talk to you soon:)